So you’ve got yourself a special someone this year. Wooo-hooooo! While that’s a great thing for your emotions, makes life funner, gives you companionship, yada, yada yada, lets get down to the real reason this is great news. It opens up a whole new world of Halloween costume possibilities. You get to coordinate your outfits and be a costumed couple.
There are your standard couples costume ideas -
Dr. Frankenstein and the Monster
Referee/Umpire and Player (football, basketball, etc)
Cowboy and Indian
Cop and Crook
Wild Animal and Hunter
Dog and Cat
Barney and Betty Rubble
Fred and Wilma Flintstone
Or for those who think there may have been something going on in the neighborhood:
Barney and Wilma
Fred and Betty
Mario and Luigi
Batman and Joker
Angel and Devil
As you can see the possibilities are, fricken, endless. You can match things that naturally go together or two opposites. Or try how about this . . .

There are your standard couples costume ideas -
Dr. Frankenstein and the Monster
Referee/Umpire and Player (football, basketball, etc)
Cowboy and Indian
Cop and Crook
Wild Animal and Hunter
Dog and Cat
Barney and Betty Rubble
Fred and Wilma Flintstone
Or for those who think there may have been something going on in the neighborhood:
Barney and Wilma
Fred and Betty
Mario and Luigi
Batman and Joker
Angel and Devil
As you can see the possibilities are, fricken, endless. You can match things that naturally go together or two opposites. Or try how about this . . .
Here’s an idea that’s good for this year only – I hope (oooops, did I just hint at my opinions on our Presidential candidates?). Go as McCain and Palin! The costumes are easy to put together and you can all sorts of fun. It’s an idea that will be unique to this year’s Halloween only (there I go again, letting my bias show), so make the most of it.

For McCain, just throw on a really boring black suit and a John McCain mask.
Palin is even easier. Outfit yourself with a conservative red dress or go with the pink and black outfit that Tina Fey made ever so popular in her SNL skit. A pair of glasses paired up with the hairdo and you’re almost there. You’ve got to do the Sarah Palin hairdo right - brown hair piled up in the back with bangs hanging down in the front. Do this with your own hair or use a wig with bangs. The icing on the Palin cake is the huge, fake, plastic smile. We have no costume piece for this, you’ll just have to plaster that toothy grin on and keep it there all night. Have a few drinks and before you know it, you will sound like Governor Palin as well – speaking in fragments with no apparent connection between the thoughts.

For McCain, just throw on a really boring black suit and a John McCain mask.
Palin is even easier. Outfit yourself with a conservative red dress or go with the pink and black outfit that Tina Fey made ever so popular in her SNL skit. A pair of glasses paired up with the hairdo and you’re almost there. You’ve got to do the Sarah Palin hairdo right - brown hair piled up in the back with bangs hanging down in the front. Do this with your own hair or use a wig with bangs. The icing on the Palin cake is the huge, fake, plastic smile. We have no costume piece for this, you’ll just have to plaster that toothy grin on and keep it there all night. Have a few drinks and before you know it, you will sound like Governor Palin as well – speaking in fragments with no apparent connection between the thoughts.
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