Monday, October 20, 2008

And the Countdown Begins

Something mystical, supernatural, and terrifying happens when we get within 10 days of Halloween. People, all of a sudden, realize, “Oh my God! It’s almost Halloween and I don’t have a clue what to be!!!”

Everyone knows its October. And they know the big event of the month is Halloween, because it’s the monster party of the year. So why the last minute panic-attack? Here’s my theory on the cause of this frightful phenomenon. Rest assured, it is based on years of study, probing interviews, along with tapping of phone lines and other highly-sophisticated, spy-type behaviors I learned by watching Alias (and that Sydney Bristow, she knew a thing or two about the whole spy-gig and about costumes!)

While the dates stay in the single digits and teens (October 1st - 19th), everyone (except for the true geniuses out there) thinks they still have plenty of time. This is also known as "denial." Then it happens, the 20th of the month appears, and it hits them like an egg in the face. This moment of revelation is usually accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, breaking out in a sweat, and several moments of complete panic.

Once we hit the 20th of the month, well, then it becomes undeniable --- the 31st is almost here. Now it’s just days away instead of months. If you are one of the many who have yet to come up with a costume, let alone a great costume idea, I’m here to coach you through this moment. First BREATHE in and out deeply, several times.

Then ponder these questions:

  1. How many parties am I going to?

  2. How many costumes do I need?

  3. Is there a certain theme to the party?

  4. What look am I aiming for? (Sexy? Funny? Live out my fantasies? Be totally opposite ofwho I usually am? Pay homage to a favorite movie, character, person, or band? Express your naughty side, your dark side? )

  5. Am I dressing as a couple or group?

  6. How much money do I have to spend?

    These should help stir up some thoughts, and maybe point you in the direction of this year’s Halloween costume. Spend a few minutes, ponder a bit, jump online and browse, or hit your local year-round costume shop for some inspiration. (Did I mention, we are 52 Helena St. in Santa Barbara, CA?)

Then, in the name of all things Halloweeny, start putting your costume together! Like today!!! Seriously . .. NOW!!! If you wait, the symptoms of I-Don’t-Have-A-Costume-Itis become even more severe. And you even run the risk of developing a terminal case of the last-minute-losers. These are the folks who finally come up with a great idea, but can’t then find it anywhere. Or it’s too late to have it shipped on time. Don’t be one of those who end up having to settle for throwing a sheet over their head, and being a ghost.

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