Thursday, November 6, 2008

Gobble Gobble

Gobble, gobble, gobble. Turkeys all over the country are plumping up, getting ready for their big day. That yearly event where family and friends gather to gobble up a big old feast, watch football, play football, and have a day off work is almost here. Are you ready? I don’t mean with the food preparations! I mean, are you ready to make it fun?

I’ve started my own little Thanksgiving tradition. For the last three years I welcome Thanksgiving by wearing my turkey hat. I get all sorts of looks as I traipse around with this goofy bird perched on my head – my dog thinks it’s a stuffed toy for him and I have to stay alert, with eyes open, or he will take my bird and run off with it. All that hard work is totally worth it though, because this is my funnest, craziest hat of all. I look forward to this time of year, when I get to plop that turkey on my head and walk proudly about in public!

I ran across another fantastic turkey hat as well. This one is the naked, headless version and just brings back memories of that Friends episode where Monica a turkey has a turkey on her head. I love it (the episode and the hat)!

If you are a big old football, loving fool. If your Thanksgiving plans revolve around cheering on your favorite college team in front of the TV, there’s a special turkey hat just for you. Buy Costumes has the perfect companion for you. You’ll be totally into the holiday spirit and the game.

Wearing some fun holiday headpiece makes for great laughs and a day you just won’t forget. Not much for wearing a turkey on your head? Then how about something more traditional? Slip on a pilgrim hat or an Indian headpiece.

Do you have a play or event with school or church? Halloween Express has great pilgrim and Indian costumes for both kids and adults. Both Buy Costumes and Halloween Express even have pieces galore – from shoe buckles, to wigs, to moccasins - so you can put your own costume together. Wear a full Thanksgiving costume this year and see how much more memorable the day will be.

Now, if you are an all-out, over-the-top, Turkey Day fanatic, you could always go with the full turkey costume.

Buy Costumes has this fairly inexpensive version. If you are the cook for the day, I wouldn't recommend this one.

Now check out this deluxe one over at Halloween Express. Now I love to dress up, and I think this costume is awfully cool looking, but . . . . $500?! I’d have to REALLY love Thanksgiving to do that ---- or be a school mascot! Somebody out there must have been just that sort of person, because they are sold out! Even the one for $1300 is sold out!

I’ll just eat my pumpkin pie (the best part of Thanksgiving) and wear my snuggly turkey hat, keeping a watchful eye out for my turkey-hat-snatching-dog, of course.

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